phpDocumentor ComCal
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Source for file appeventform.php

Documentation is available at appeventform.php

1 <?
2 $venid = get_venid_for_eventid($id);
3 if (!empty($venid) && (is_approved_venue($venid) == false)) {?>
4 <p>*** A new venue was suggested along with this event:</p>
5 <p class="venue">
6 <!-- Location:<br> -->
7 <?
8 $venue = read_venue($venid);
9 $community = read_community($venue['community_id']);
10 $state = read_state($community['community_state']);
11 $url = get_url($venue['url_id']);
12 echo $venue['venue_name'].'<br>';
13 if ($venue['venue_addr']) echo $venue['venue_addr'].',&nbsp;';
14 echo community_namefix($community['community_name']).', '.$state['state_name'].'<br>';
15 if ($venue['venue_phone']) echo 'Phone: '.$venue['venue_phone'].'<br>';
16 if ($venue['venue_email']) echo 'Email: <a href="mailto:'.htmlentities($venue['venue_email']).'">'.htmlentities($venue['venue_email']).'</a><br>';
17 if ($url) echo 'Website: <a href="'.fixurl($url).'">'.$url.'</a><br>';
18 ?>
19 </p>
20 <p class="errors">By approving the event, you are also approving the addition of the new venue to the calendar database.</p>
21 <p class="errors">If you do not wish to approve the new venue, please <em>decline</em> this event.)</p>
22 <?
23 }?>
24 <form name="appevent" method="post" action="<?=$PHP_SELF;?>">
25 <input type="radio" name="app" value="YES">
26 YES&nbsp;
27 <input type="radio" name="app" value="NO" checked>
28 NO
29 <input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="<?=$id?>">
30 <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Submit">
31 </form>

Documentation generated on Wed, 19 Nov 2003 23:07:27 -0500 by phpDocumentor 1.2.3